
Anxiously Awaiting...

Saturday, June 16, 2012

2012 YA Crush Tourney

To nominate and\or take a look at the nominations click here!

YA Sisterhood is holding its second annual YA Crush Tourney and right now they’re taking nominations!!!

Last Year's Winner: Jace Wayland/Lightwood/etc

Who will battle in the Crushin' Tournament this year? Well, we get to nominate!

So head on over to the site and nominate the hottest guys in Y.A. lit!Hey we all have our list of fictional boyfriends, this is your opportunity to show them some love! What better way to thank them for fueling our dreams and fantasies??!!! Nominate your favorites and wait for the battle of the Crushes to begin!

Seriously, a tournament of book Crushes pitting it out against each other...this will be very fun indeed! I can't wait to see which ultimate hottie will take down the competition!

Oh and for those Jennifer L. Armentrout fans, she has promised, via Twitter, "incentives, SEXY incentives" for supporting her guys (i.e. Daemon from Obsidian and Seth and Aiden from the Covenant series)...I don't know about you, but I like sexy incentives! Daemon, here I come!

But before you rush to nominate make sure you know the following:

NOMINATIONS CLOSE JUNE 19TH AT MIDNIGHT (CENTRAL TIME). If you want to participate, HURRY! I have already nominated my loves, you should nominate yours (Jace not included, the guy won last year so he isn't eligible...fortunetly I am a lady with many fictional lovers so I was still able to fill all the slots).

  • Each person may nominate TEN book crushes. ONE TIME ONLY. If you submit more than one form-- all your nominations will be deleted. If you can't think of all ten now, you may want to wait, because once you submit, there's no adding more for places you left blank.
  • You MAY NOT nominate the same character 10 times (or any more than once). If you do, your nominations will be deleted.

  • They must be from a YA BOOK. If it's Mature YA/New Adult-- that's fine. But books that are definitely not YA will not count.

  • You MUST, MUST, MUST put your character's name AND the Book Title. Nominations without a book title will be DELETED.

  • As WINNER of the 1st Crush Tourney-- JACE WAYLAND/LIGHTWOOD is not eligible to be nominated. All nominations for that lovable bad boy will be deleted.

  • Jejeje, ah Jace! You can't stop yourself from falling in love with that one! I guess the same can be said for Will Herondale from the Infernal Devices Series...

    And again, Jennifer L. Armentrout fans, remember "incentives, SEXY incentives" !!!

    Now, if you are so inclined, head on over to the site and nominate your favorite hot guys in Y.A. lit! To nominate and/or look at the nominations click here!

    WAIT!! There is more!

    They are still accepting applications to be Character Advocates!

    What does an advocate do?

    Well if chosen, you'll represent one super awesome, hot character.
    More than represent, you'll champion that character. You are expected to post about the tourney on your blog, tweet about it, attempt to contact the author, and spread the word in whatever way you can to get your guy votes.

    *You'll create a character defense for the matches, which should inspire people to vote for your guy. You'll have assigned due dates for your defenses so that we have time to get the posts formatted before the match. If you fail to meet these deadlines, you'll be replaced.

    *They are also  seeking Pinch-Hitters-- people willing to step in as last minute advocates in case someone else has to drop. If you're willing to do this (provided you aren't accepted as an advocate), please tell them in the very last section of the entry form.

    *You can also choose the Tournament Tab at the top of the site and follow the links to old matches to get an idea of what this job entails (Take a look at the results of last year's tournament!).

    Keep in mind-- they are  looking for advocates to represent these characters with passion, creativity, and class!


    That sound like fun to you? Well submit an entry!

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