
Anxiously Awaiting...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Dear Diary Excerpt: Happy ONYX Official Release Day!!

Tuesday, August 13th, 2012

Dear Diary,

Today Onyx, book two in Jennifer L. Armentrout’s Lux Series, has been released. Yay! I pre-ordered my copy a while back ago—while I read the last sentence of Obsidian...hurray for multitasking!


I am happy to say that my copy arrived on Saturday. I happened to be out for the entire weekend and didn’t get in until late Sunday night, which means yesterday (aka Monday) I was out of commission…ok, ok, I will be more direct: I finished Onyx (there’s a reason I am one of the founders of the Extreme Book Readers Club):

I don’t always read, but when I do I choose to read in an extreme fashion…also, I’m pretty much always reading
-K. Bo Baron

There is no Onyx review today. I feel I articulate my feelings and opinions best when I leave some time to settle down. Otherwise most of my reviews would consist of, “urrrggsss,” “abubliioas,” and “arrggggsss” or just the following .gif:


Like I said, today I will not review Onyx—but there will be a review sometime soon. I do, however, want to say that there is a side-effect to EXTREME reading: the faster you read a book, the more time you will spend waiting for the next one. Yep. I am starting to think I need to start pacing myself. Can you see the Clockwork Princess widget up there? Yea, sometimes we readers have to wait a looonnnggg time! Fortunately, we Jennifer L. Armentrout fans know that our beloved JLA is a writeaholic! So while we still have to do our share of waiting, it isn’t nearly as long as most books—once again, can you see the Clockwork Princess widget up there!? Apparently book three in the lux series, OPAL, comes out December 11, 2012. That’s not too long a wait for an awesome plot; loveable, funny, entertaining characters; steamy-as-hell Daemon; and what can only be an awesome book.

I read Onyx and I hunger for more! Jennifer L. Armentrout, I salute you!5 stars

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