
Anxiously Awaiting...

Sunday, August 5, 2012

"Super Steamy Sunday" Dear Diary Excerpt: Or Cassandra Clare Visits Mysterious Galaxy

Hello there! Today is Sunday, but this post was originally intended for last Thursday (8/2/12) since usually I do a “Steamy Thursday” post showing some book on book action. However, I was unable to post until today (sorry, I was recovering from a caffeine induced hangover). However, I plan on making that up today with an super steamy post. Today will be a little different from the usual steaminess I post on Thursdays consider it a special "Super Steamy Sunday" post. I will include an excerpt from my diary—written last Wednesday night—describing my experience at the San Diego Mysterious Galaxy bookstore before and during Cassandra Clare’s visit. I know Cassandra Clare! This might be too steamy!!! What is more bookalicious than Cassandra Clare? Nothing.

Now now, I know that although you are all excited to hear about Cassandra Clare, you were also expecting some sort of excerpt from my original work of fiction, Fifty-One Hues of Mauve. Well since I am in a good mood—I met Cassandra Clare!—I will go ahead and try to fulfill you hunger for 51 Hues next Thursday…but only if you show this post some good lovin!

Anywho,  enjoy reading an excerpt from my diary, and yes I include a letter I wrote Cassandra Clare... and at the end of the excerpt you'll find more stuff!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Dear Diary,
Today I met Cassandra Clare. Elisse (hi Elisse!) and I were so eager we showed up before the book store even opened, (Jen joined us soon after--hi Jen!!). Yes like a couple of dorks we hung out there all day, and like proper dorks we enjoyed ourselves immensely. The poor Mystery Galaxy bookstore people very kindly and graciously put up with my strangeness—at one point I started practicing the interpretive dance I was preparing for Cassandra Clare—needless to say, they were awesome, nice, super helpful, and just plain lovable (in fact, I’d say they were quite eager to enable my weirdness!!!). Our day consisted of looking through all their books, buying some of their awesome merchandise, visiting the Starbucks next door, and harassing everyone and anyone that came within a ten foot radius. It was a blast. Then we were joined by others. At one point I stumbled across a guy and a girl whose weirdness seemed compatible with my own and then things got even better. We came up with several different ways to harass people in elevators (hollah, if you want em!), outlined ideas for a book and movie, and of course, came up with several interpretations of the color green; all in all I’d say it was a very productive day. Then, after Elisse, Jen, and I had managed to survive our ten hour wait--lets just say there are worse ways to spend an entire afternoon than hanging out at Mysterious Galaxy :D jeje (aka. I regret nothing!!)--Cassandra Clare showed up…
She came in (like da boss), read us the scene from Clary and Jace’s first kiss from Jace’s point of view—it was awesome—answered some questions, and was just plain incredibly funny and kind. Then she started to sign books…It was then that I had to deal with meeting one of the people I most admire: How do you show your total appreciation without coming across as a total creep?
After having practiced a dance, everything I was going to say, and all the compliments I was going to give, my nervousness got the best of me—Cassandra Clare must have been born under a lucky star because when it was my turn (I was #2!), I acted normal. I simply went up to my hero told thanked her and got her to sign my books. It’s hard to find the words to express your gratitude when your heart is beating so quickly you can’t hear your thoughts (yea I am that big of a fan). But if I had been able to properly articulate my emotions I probably would have creeped her out by saying something like the following:
Dear Cassandra Clare,
Thank you. No really, thank you so much.  I know you know how weird we devoted fans can seem as we fawn over you, but it's because you are important to us. We might not know you all that well, but you are one of our best friends. You make us laugh, you make us cry, and you are there when we most need you. You create characters we can not only enjoy, but befriend. Your books are rays of sunshine. Your books are wafts of fresh air. Whenever I am having troubling thoughts—my neighbor has chickens that I can see through my window (Me + fence + peaceful chickens = me over fence, chasing chickens)—I turn to your books. (The chickens gratefully send their regards).
Your books offer the temporary escapes that make magic appear in the nonfictional world. By triggering our sense of wonder and adventure, your books turn into portals to our own extraordinariness. They feed our passion for imagination, creativity, exploration, and of course, reading. They are--though at times heartbreaking--injections of positivity. The world needs constant doses of awesomeness in order to maintain a sense of hope and to create faith in endless possibilities. Thank you for administering such powerful doses. Not to mention the fact that we all love the idea of people who get to run around stabbing evil demons…where exactly can I get my hands on a seraph blade?
In other words, your books are fun in a bun, and for that, we thank you.
With much love, 
Karen Bo Baron*
*no that is not my real name. You are not supposed to give out such information online, right? If you have any info on the type of stuff you aren’t supposed to put online,  please send a letter to my home address at 666 Lucifer Street St. Ave. Blvd. Drive, Inferno, CA 90666 or contact me through my social security number: 0666-00-999.
Today was quite the little adventure...I somehow managed to get a massive caffeine hangover, which I bet has nothing to do with the fact that I was super loud and super weird all day long...
All in all, I am happy to say i have a new hangout place!  
7051 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. Suite #302
San Diego, CA 92111

I want to visit them again, and again, and again...may God have mercy on their souls! 

*End of diary excerpt.*

Now here are the captured memories:

cool dragon they have hanging from the ceiling:

Cassandra Clare answering questions! (1st question: which character was the most fun to write?) (ps. sorry for the shakiness).

What comes first, the story or the characters?

more questions answered:

Here is an attempt to take a picture of Cassandra Clare and me (I forgot to switch the camera off video)

Here's what the actual picture. blurry I know, but still sufficient evidence to prove that I did in fact meet THE Cassandra Clare!

Cassandra about to give us Clary and Jace's first kiss from Jace's POV...

In Summation,
I love Cassandra Clare <3

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