Here’s the plot summary from the Barnes and Noble
Katsa has
been able to kill a man with her bare hands since she was eight—she’s a
Graceling, one of the rare people in her land born with an extreme skill. As
niece of the king, she should be able to live a life of privilege, but Graced
as she is with killing, she is forced to work as the king’s thug.
When she
first meets Prince Po, Graced with combat skills, Katsa has no hint of how her
life is about to change. She never expects to become Po’s friend. She never
expects to learn a new truth about her own Grace—or about a terrible secret
that lies hidden far away . . . a secret that could destroy all seven kingdoms
with words alone.
So what
was Graceling’s grade? I give it four solid stars (****)…which roughly
translates to an A- …maybe an A…then what would five stars be an A+? Anywho, I’m
not exactly sure what its letter grade would be, but it certainly earned a
grade any mother would be proud of. Its writing is beautiful and its story
captivating. There is enough action to make it exciting. I am a sucker for
stories with swords and daggers and people who can just plain kick ass and Katsa
is one strong lady with a ferocious attitude and a talent for wielding swords,
throwing daggers, shooting arrows, oh and taking down any opponent with her
bare hands. She’s the whole package! Yet for all her toughness I still found
her loveable—she would probably kick my ass for saying so. There was also a surprisingly
sweet love story, though it’s probably not exactly what you would expect. Graceling
is a wonderful fairytale that features a strong heroine and a thrilling
adventure. I definitely recommend adding Graceling to your summer reading list.
In order to entice
you to read this book I am providing some “free samples” below (don’t worry,
there are no spoilers! These are just samples of what will await you if you do
decide to pick up this book):
“‘I'm not going to wear a red dress,’ she
‘It would look stunning, My Lady,’ she called.
She spoke to the bubbles gathered on the surface of the water. ‘If there's
anyone I wish to stun at dinner, I'll hit him in the face.’”
“‘What are you grinning at?’ Katsa
demanded for the third or fourth time. ‘Is the ceiling about to cave in on my
head or something? You look like we're both on the verge of an enormous joke.’
‘Katsa, only you would consider the collapse of the ceiling a good joke.’”
“‘You won't even take your bow? Are you
planning to throttle a moose with your bare hands, then?’
‘I've a knife in my boot,’ she said, and then wondered, for a moment, if she
could throttle a moose with her bare hands.”
“‘Your brand of comfort bears some
similarity to your tactical offense.’”
“Mercy was more frightening than murder,
because it was harder.”
“‘Then she'll know I'll want to knock her
senseless if she so much as looks at me.’”
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